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Showing posts with label smartypants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smartypants. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Ten Tiny Apps That I'm Thankful For

This is Thanksgiving, so I’d like to show some gratitude for ten tiny apps that I use almost every day. If you’re a writer, blogger, speaker, or entrepreneur who uses a Macintosh, please give them a look because they will make you more productive.
  1. Adjix.jpg
    Adjix. Adjix is the best way that I’ve found to post links to web pages on Twitter. It shortens the URL of the page, enables you to edit the tweet, shows you the ever-important character count, and renders a preview of the page you’re linking to so that you can be sure of what you’re tweeting. Price: Free.
  2. BBEdit.jpg
    BBEdit. BBEdit is admittedly overkill for the HTML editing that I do. However, it does a great job of formatting text into XHTML, and it houses the SmartPants UNIX filter that I use to smarten quotes and dashes (see below). Generally speaking, if BBEdit can’t do what you want to text, it probably can’t be done. Price: $125.
  3. Foxmarks.jpg
    Foxmarks. I use Firefox on three different Macintoshes, so I need to synchronize your bookmarks across them all. Foxmarks enables you to do this as well as create a backup of them. I wish other programs did synching so cleanly. Price: Free.
  4. MarsEdit.jpg
    MarsEdit. I use MarsEdit to write my blog postings for my blog, the Alltop blog, and the American Express OPEN Forum. I compose in MarsEdit because of the built-in HTML markup features and then finish the writing in BBEdit. What would make me even more thankful: MobileMe synchronization of drafts. Price: $29.95.
  5. Preview.jpg
    Preview. Preview is simple application to open up graphics and text files. I use it to resize screenshots and to annotate them with circles and comments. It can also send your photos to iPhoto for storage. Skitch is another application that does this if Preview doesn’t have enough power for you. Price: Free.
  6. SmartyPants.jpg
    SmartyPants. I hate dumb apostrophes, quotes, and dashes but replacing them is not simple because HMTL links must contain dumb quotation marks—for example, href=””. However, in regular text, I want replace a dumb quotes with smart ones. SmartyPants knows that HTML links should not be smartened while apostrophes, quotes, and dashes should. Price: Free.
  7. TextExpander.jpg
    TextExpander. This is a utility that expands abbreviations to full text. For example, it expands “gk” to “Guy Kawasaki.” I use about ninety of these abbreviations. I’d be even more thankful if it didn’t sometimes paste the clipboard not the desired abbreviation. Incidentally, I love a competitive product called TypeIt4me, but it cannot synchochronize my abbreviations across multiple Macintoshes via MobileMe like TextExpander can. Price: $29.95.
  8. Tweetdeck.jpg
    Tweetdeck. This is a front-end application to Twitter. I have to stay on top of many terms in Twitter such as “Guykawasaki,” “Guy Kawasaki,” and “Alltop” as well as private and public messages to me. It is the best way to use Twitter that I have found. Price: voluntary donation, so I sent $50.
  9. Twittelator Pro.jpg
    Twittelator Pro. I use this iPhone application to access Twitter. In a sense, for me it’s Tweetdeck on a phone. I’d be more thankful if I could customize the menus structure, but it’s still the best iPhone application for Twitter that I’ve found. Price: $4.99.
  10. Yojimbo.jpg
    Yojimbo. This is my catch-all for things like passwords, invoices, travel confirmations, and bills—basically all the stuff you know you’ll need someday but don’t know how to store. You “print to Yojimbo,” and this creates a PDF of the document and stores it in the application. Then you can do a freeform search for any text to find the information later. Price: $39.

    Update: Several readers told me to look at Evernote, and they are right. This is a cross-platform application and service that enables you to synch information across Macintosh, Windows, and iPhone. I’ve been using it for a four days, and it’s very good. You should check it out.
There you have it: my favorite tiny applications that make me more productive on a Macintosh. As you can see, a few bucks goes a long way these days! My heartfelt thanks to the men and women who created and support them. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Monday, August 26, 2013

6 Ways to Make Your Own Luck BY NICOLE CARTER

While luck isn't an exact science, there are certainly ways to make yourself more open to opportunity. Here are six easy ways.

happy winner at a horse race

Many entrepreneurs believe their success is in part due to a little bit of luck-- that chance meeting with a potential investor or that dinner conversation that sparks a new idea. In fact, a new study by networking site LinkedIn found that 84 percent of 7,000 professionals they surveyed say they believe in career luck.

But let's face it: There isn't an exact science to luck. You can't predict it. However, there have been plenty of successful entrepreneurs, authors, and even researchers who've tried to map out just what makes someone lucky.

Here are a few of the top tips for cultivating your own luck. 
1. Be humble. Part of cultivating luck, writes author and venture capitalist Athony Tjan for Harvard Business Review, is increasing your influence. And the best way to do that is through cultivating something counterintuitive: humility. He added: "People can mistake humility for weakness and avoid it so as not to lose perceived power...You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."

2. Roll up your sleeves. This seems pretty obvious to those who consider themselves lucky. According to the LinkedIn survey, a whopping 70 percent of those surveyed said a strong work ethic was the number one thing that makes someone lucky. But to work hard, you also have to be skilled. Nearly half of the respondents in the same survey said that skills were another contributor to career luck.

3. Be generous. Tjan also writes, "Never lose the spirit of generosity; instead, allocate it appropriately. Remaining a mentor to others, connecting with community activities, simply saying more 'thank-yous,' and doing more things without over-thinking the potential 'value-exchange' equation, is a pay-it-forward attitude that in the long-run usually pays off in spades. Plus, it just feels good to be generous."

4. Be ready. Good to Great author Jim Collins has said that if one cannot predict luck, the question to then ask is: "Do you have a high return on luck?" In a New York Times essay he revealed this concept using Bill Gates as an example. He wrote: "Thousands of people could have done the same thing that Mr. Gates did, at the same time. But they didn't...How many of them changed their life plans--and cut their sleep to near zero, essentially inhaling food so as not to let eating interfere with work--to throw themselves into writing Basic for the Altair? How many defied their parents, dropped out of college and moved to Albuquerque to work with the Altair? That’s not luck--that's return on luck."

5. Go with your gut. Who better than the late Steve Jobs to describe why trusting in your gut instincts may be the best way to ensure your luck in the future? In his famous speech to a graduating class at Stanford he said, "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." Add to that, according to the LinkedIn survey, nearly half of the respondents said that "using your intuition" has been an important factor in their career luck.
6. Simply believe that you are lucky. recent study from psychologist and University of Hertfordshire Professor Richard Wiseman found that simply believing you are lucky can create positive outcomes. He took two groups of people: one that considered themselves "lucky," and another that considered themselves "unlucky." He gave both groups newspapers and asked everyone to report back how many photos were in the issue as quickly as possible. The lucky people came back with the answer in seconds, much faster than the unlucky group. Why? Because on page two of the paper, there was an ad that read "Stop counting. There are 43 photographs in this newspaper."

Wiseman concluded: "Unlucky people miss chance opportunities because they are too focused on looking for something else. They go to parties intent on finding their perfect partner, and so miss opportunities to make good friends. They look through the newspaper determined to find certain job advertisements and, as a result, miss other types of jobs. Lucky people are more relaxed and open, and therefore see what is there, rather than just what they are looking for."
