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Thursday, January 3, 2013


All this hoop-n stiz about about a fiscal cliff, for most of us here in a America we have fallen off that cliff long time ago, unemployment has run out man months ago. So you say you want to help the middle class huh? wake up people, it's a shell game, we should be working on a way to get the "FACTS STRAIGHT" before we elect another official. I propose

No.1 we set up fact stations at each and every debate, that way politicians can't wiggle around the truth, there in vivid H.D. will be the question,   and a accurate answer to that question all visible on a giant screen behind the candidates.

No 2. We get an audit of the federal reserve, lets make sure we shake the leaves on this obstructive intrusive, illegal entity that found a way to wedge themselves and our money between United Stated People!

No 3. Change the tax code People! It's just to damn complicated!

Lets find a way to hold everyone accountable, starting first with ourselves, then our children, the natural effect will eventually be a shift in Consciousness  It will allow us to move beyond spiritual and mental stagnation 

So lets not complicate things, start with the basics, the we move forward together,
 like an organic electrified omeba. 
So  I say push the politicians over the @#$# fiscal cliff!

Campaign finance reform, we all know, "IT'S THE BIG BANKS, BUSINESS that run thangs!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Never before in the history of mankind has there been a time like this, well duh... of course not silly, it's 2012 and yes, it's unlike any other time in our history but, there's a reason why me must quality it, if you haven't noticed that where are being tracked, our every movement is being scrutinized by the principals whoever they may be, have you noticed a lot of anxiety flowing out there among the people, a uneasy sense.. there's a lot going on in the world. How do me make sense of it all? how do you know what it's all about? I recently began to ask myself these questions and then asking the same question to the only One that can provide the answers.... GOD asked to be shown a sign, a sign so that I may know my mission and therefore embrace my fate, and as I went about my day, opening the garage door for the third time this week, I a was sorting some things when I noticed again, not for the first time, not the second time but for a third time a little itty bitty spider is lowering himself from the frames of my glasses, know as I mentioned the first time this occurred was a few days ago when a spider of very similar size and shape descended from my eye glass rim to be plucked off by me and carried over to a fire extinguisher case and released him to his on devices and went on about my business only to have this happen for a third day in a row, now what do you supposed is the reason why this/these spiders decided to appear on my eyeglass frame for three days in a row? Is it because I spared it's life and it returned to thank me ..... ? you may be shocked and think that I'm crazy but there are many scriptures attributed to the spider and it would be wise to take a look at what it has to say. Sura 29 in the Holy Quran will enlighten and delight your spiritual being.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

AND LET THEIR BE LIGHT...... On da subject..!

All to often, to many time we find ourselves in a revolving treadmill, like those hamsters and gerbils from a life's past we struggle though out our day to try and make sense of it all. Some of us turn to our designated faiths for comfort and reassurance of this complicated life, often though our attempt to wade through the myriad of complexities still leave of perplexed, in a lurch, confused to say the least, we In a time like this I any many others like me could use some definitive instruction on what to do next, where do I go from here, now don't get me wrong I don't mean that you have to exclude your Higher Power, Quite to the contrary, The Higher Power is essential in inspiring the necessary situations into being, more about that in a later post.. anyway, I have found that instead of going all the way the mulberry bush or trying to re-invent the wheel or fire for that matter, what not just listen to some experts tell how they became successful, I mean you listen to the Doctor for his expert opinion, then you should do the same when it comes to money and money management.... enough of the chat lets get right to it... check out the link below and get the keys to success!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I have been on a mission since I left my humble beginnings on the east coast some twenty five years ago, I bought with me to the west the myriad of experiences that I learned from my father/s and older mentors from the neighborhood, some of these entrepreneurial skills would surly come in handy.

I not going to bore you with my life story at this present time but, I just wanted to express to you that I'm just a normal guy looking for opportunity, something real, something that I can put my sweat equity and not my bank account into, something so that I may secure my family economically. It may seem like a tall order to fill but being the spiritually astute I made certain I was in harmony with my surroundings and made the request to be yielded the "Source" that would put me and my family/friends and, empower the masses all with "NO" other investment than the time and effort your willing to put into it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you that I didn't invest in business cards from vista print, and oh, the cost of the ink that took me to print a few flyers. and yes "I have found "IT" It's real, legit, practical, and simple, "NO Selling" "NO  I'm asking you to suspend you judgement of this amazing opportunity and, give it a thorough look.

I'm also not going to take a lot of your time expressing to you how great this is, I will however like to stress that if you don't act now you will be missing out on an opportunity they rivals the early Google, Microsoft investors only, the only thing required to access a $2,000 plus a month passive residual income is........., "YOUR TIME" Its real!

If you would when they ask you who sent ya, tell them like to take advantage of this opportunity and "cashmadeeasy"

So go to and claim whats yours.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I thought I would take the time to provide some very valuable information for readers out there..., I want to introduce to you for the very first time a company that offers the opportunity to own and operate your very own home based business at (No Cost) thats right, No Cost, No signup fees, no obligations... no more auto shipments of juice, soaps, lotions potions or any other product.

Click the banner below and take control of your life today!

Monday, June 14, 2010


This guide is presented to give you ideas on what types of business you capitalize on in todays economony.

1 Create a bond with your visitors by bringing up
likes or dislikes you have in common with them in
 your ad copy. Just make sure you do your research.
 For example, you could say, "I hate it when you have
 to wait in line for a long time at the drive-through."
 Another example, "I really like it when I have extra
 money to spend."

2 Design your web site to be a valuable resource
 for people. Include original content, links to other
 interesting web sites, e-books, software, etc. For
 example, you could create mini-directories within
 your web site. It could be an e-zine directory, free
 e-book directory, article directory, etc.

 3 Sell an inexpensive product to sell an expensive
 product. If people like your inexpensive product,
 they'll be persuaded to buy your expensive one.
 They will already know that your products are of
 good quality and that you’re trustworthy. They will
 also know that your product claims are all true.

  4 Offer your customers back-end products. It is
 easier to sell to existing customers. If you do not
 have a back-end product, join an affiliate program.
 You could offer that product as a back-end offer.
 Just make sure it's the right product for your target

 5 Increase the perceived value of your product.
 You could offer an affiliate program, give away free
 bonuses or use famous endorsements on your ad.
 Another way is to offer a sample or trial of your
 product or service. If people like it or it works, that
 will increase the perceived value because it gives
 them 100% personal proof.

6 Remind your visitors to promote your web site.
 Use phrases like: "Refer Our Web Site To A
 Friend" or "Link To Our Web Site". Offer them
 incentives for referrals. You could give them free
 e-books, reports, software and other informational
 products. You could also offer them discounts on
 other products you sell.

 7 Start a free e-mail newsletter to create your own
 opt-in list. Create a title that grabs the reader’s attention.
 Submit it to free e-zine directories on the Internet.
 Advertise it on your web site. Offer a freebie or other
 incentive for people to subscribe. Give your readers
 mostly original and quality content.

8 Upsell to all your customers. You could sell add-on
 products, deluxe products, extra parts, related
 products, add-on services, etc. You could offer them
 add-on products before or after they reach your
 order page. Just make sure the upsell products are
 compatible with the main product you're selling.

9 Provide a free contest or sweepstake at your
 web site. It's a fact, people like to win things. If you
 can fulfill that need, people will visit. You can also
 attract them to revisit by holding one every week or
 month. You could also start an opt-in list for people
 who enter your contest or sweepstake so you can
 follow-up with them regularly.

 10 Use permission marketing to increase your sales.
 You simply ask people to sign up to your e-mailing
 list. They'll already be interested in your messages or
 ads because they’ve visited your related web site. You
 could also offer them incentives for signing up like
 freebies, discounts, expertise, content, etc

Thursday, May 27, 2010


When it gets to tough to go on, if you've found you have run into a brick wall, what do you do, throw in the towel?
Life can take us through to serious trial and tribulations and navigating through them can be as challenging as anything you have ever dealt with, family, friends, acquaintances, associates all have to the potential to be assets or liabilities and both of them can teach you very valuable lessons. If you find yourself in a situation that seems to insurmountable then what you must do is 1. Pause take a moment to reconnect with {your higher power,} somewhere a quiet space, just you and the elements, a place like the mountains or the beach 2. Evaluate yourself (your position) and status in life and make a determination about what your definitive purpose is in life 3. Write down, document all things that you plan to do once you have discovered your purpose. 

Keep a journal of current and related events (relative). this list is part of the larger picture, once we take the basic steps we will find our journey becoming clearer and easier each and everyday you apply these principles.
We will continue Step By Step in a feature blog and examine the next steps in taking charge of your life. 
faith and confidence are key ingredients creating your destiny and living life as you want to live it so join us post your comments, questions, suggestion or criticisms so we can make this forum one of the best we can make it.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010


 Ever get up to late for work not knowing what you where going to wear, breakfast was resigned to whatever you could grab on the way out the door, well imagine those who had no shelter in the midst of the storms in Oklahoma and other places around the world, lack of preparation is the key to increasing the chances that you and your love ones will survive.

What  I feel is most important about "Life" is......................the understanding that everything is inter-dependent, nothing exist on it's own, here nor anywhere else in the Universe. The Secret is that all of us have a unique role to play like a part in a Steven Spielberg movie, Our Higher Power, genes, proteins and environment determine who and what we ultimately become, if we have been given Consciousnesses we should use it, act in some constructive way to make just a little difference,  just like so many around the world, do not stand around idle as the world changes around you, in ways so profound you won't recognize it any more.

it cannot and will not always be easy to carry on but, we must hunker down,  re-a quaint ourselves with Our Higher Power and, with ourselves, focus in on what is it that we are supposed to be doing and, apply yourselves to it! I sense a Shift in the dynamics of whats going on here on Earth and I'm not the only one who notices it. The Secret is the seek and sort... those people things that will allow you to prepare for what-ever may take place, preparation is the key to survival.... ! There are infinite possibilities to shape your experience..., understanding the shift that has taken place will help you to position yourself in a way that will allow you to help yourself and others..!

Remember these four words "CHANCE FAVORS THE PREPARED"

Carry on, as our destiny's are intertwined and together we can navigate any of life's challenges..!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Hows your love life working out for ya.? I'm sure most of you will say that its fantastic, right? no complaints huh? this in fact may be true for only a small percentage of you, this reality may be as a direct result of your current or pending economic predicament , when your cash on hand status changes so does your behavior as it results to almost everything but, in this case it's sex, you could preform better without the assistance of the big "V" or any other artificial enhancement, all you have to to is get rid of the financial rut mentality, shift your perspective and start to generate the cash and the chemicals in your body that enhance your sexual experience naturally, check this link. why you do what you do, now what this seems to suggest is that we do what we do based on variable social economic factors and that if we work on developing our plan which brings about our economic freedom, Sex will take on a whole different feeling when you know you don't have to worry about money.

The bottom line is to empower yourself! that's where The Secret Works comes in, a vast growing network of resources for users to exchange Ideas, collaborate and solve problems so, lets get started engage network and let creativity and action take us to ecstasy  "good sex" your partner will appreciate you for it! 

Let's all have lots of good safe sex!


Monday, May 17, 2010


 If you awake without an action plan for the day, if you sleep in until noon, you, have lost the game! It's very important to plan your day and, those plans should consist of things that tie into your overall goals, make sure you awake and acknowledge your "Higher Power" as hard as it may be with all the distractions that confront you on a day to day you, must be steadfast against that which is unseen, check this out; overcoming obstacles, the basics of holding on to the peace that ultimately sets the foundation for your sustained success, .... many people have success but to what degree? Balance is a major part of the equation, if we don't have the balance nothing can work for very long. procrastination is the enemy to your progress, develop a formula for maintaining a daily schedule, use the technology to make things easier, I'm not going to endorse any particular device but smart phones have a important role to play these days with helping to keep us organized.

Identify your particular weak spot and focus in on developing a plan for overcoming those weaknesses, confront your demons head on, don't be hesitant to ask for assistance... you're not Super People but then again you are!


Breach of Trust
