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Thursday, April 22, 2010


Have you ever awaken not knowing for what reason you were here for? what purpose do I have on this earth? Naturally we seek the answers to these questions, we want to resolve the mystery as to why? why?

Sometimes there are no answers to life's complicated questions, leaving some of us in despair not having a direction, some of these people will be ripe for those institutions like churches mosques or synagogues, these places offer some sense of security set upon solid foundations of religious principles yet, and still some still fall between the cracks, is it because our leaders have failed us? look at the recent revelations about the catholic church, doesn't that make you question organized religion? how do you think the victims feel about religion and spirituality?

The answer to many questions can be found only through inspiration and careful observation of man and mankind, those who are inspired with be given balance and wholeness and abundance that will serve as a platform for those seeking their own inner truths.  Some of our meant to be led, others of course will be the followers, but to those who bare the burden of leading, take the responsibility of leading people to there own truths, paying careful attention to the details in a persons life that will serve to enlighten, up-lift and encourage them to be all they can be independent of the dogma that's imposed upon the masses each and everyday.

So the next time we awake in the morning we can thank our "Higher Power" and, rest in the knowledge that we in fact know, where it is where going because we, have asked for and received directions from those who are inspired by the forces of good and, to do good is the order of the day, everyday!


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Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Get your priorities right! is it just about the money? what about The Source? do leave out of the equation that which makes it all possible and sustains us all, you may call on it what you wish, I only know for a fact I, cannot define what it is that makes my heart pulse from moment to moment, I cant define that which dispatches Angels to my rescue in the time of need and thats real! So align yourself with that which is good enjoin those who are like minded forbid evil no matter where you see it, be smart in your travels, approaches and interactions.

When you stay connected to The Source, The Source stays connected to you, and get automatically win! you may wonder how so? well.  The Source/Secret are all one in the same, it's the same energy and intuition that has been keeping you all along only now, you get to channel it with a more definite purpose more about that later, for now stay prepared.



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As the clouds form, the Angels begin to squeeze..... the raindrops that contain secret ingredients which, find it's way to the mineral rich soil, impregnates the seed, the sun nourishes; the seed sprouts bringing forth life's most substaining products.. fruits, vegitables, herbs and spices.

Monday, April 19, 2010

AS WE GAZE...........

AS WE GAZE............

As I look out to the horizon line; there is an ending.., As I use my minds eye, I see there is none.., I want to .explore the limitless and boundless opportunities that exist. Often times feeling trapped we have isolated ourselves in our minds eye into thinking that; that is the only reality yet, if we look a little further and go a little deeper we, would find that there is an infinite number of possibilities..!

Today as we gaze, there are no horizon lines.. no illusions set up to confine you in a space which only has limited possibilities. When we gaze we should see a rock upon which we will stand, a rock which represents the solid foundation of reality, not my reality but, the reality that is undeniable like the wind that we can all recognize and beyond that rock is like the black of space as far as the eye can see.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Everything that happens, happens by design?  Do you think there is such a thing "Accidents?" now of course the words "Accident" means,  a : an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance, operative word "unforeseen", unplanned, by whom? Depending on your point of view or what deity you subscribe to that being, is the best planner of events. Now, if we now so little of that plan, and that which is greater than ourselves, knows all, then would not that point to affirmative evidence that there are no such things as accidents.

Point being, a bigger plan is always taking shape without your permission, take head and appreciate and ride the wave of prosperity and freedom. 

Tap into the source of all and know that "Abundance Is Your Birthright!"

Thursday, April 15, 2010


When you look at the human experience as a whole you begin to get a sense of order, the type of order that allows a musician to compose a piece of music so beautifully that it becomes the catalyst for peace in the midst of war, allow men to devise a way to travel beyond our atmosphere to experience zero gravity.

On one level or another, we all put into effect a conscious effort of initiative and action to get what we need to survive, this inspiration to do this comes from again the "Unseen" which, causes everything after that into effect.

You may call it by whatever name you choose to call it, but let it be known that it is ever present with or without your permission it has it way, the best you can do is, consciously submit and tap into the ride of your life!

Step by step and little by little we explore ways to master your conscious so, you can master you subconscious and take your life to a different level.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Greeting to all!

There is a ton of money and resources just waiting for you to tap into them, most for little or nothing. I'm going to provide you with a fantastic resource that some people are charging good money for.

I suggest you use this resource to assist your family and friends in perhaps finding some unclaimed

Chances are good that if not you family members or friends have something in the treasury..

Happy Hunting


Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Often times we sit back literally: and say to ourselves, what is the purpose of our existence? why am I here? for what reason? have you ever pondered such questions................?
The Secret Works is here to answer those questions and bridge the gap, unlock the doors that may have been closed to you, or re-ignite that which you already know, in any event you will find yourself challenged by new ideas and a host of old ones. Guided on a unique tour of discovering oneself and the many different faucets and dimesions and a host of resources and information that might have otherwise passed you by.


The Secret Works Is a by product of the home based marketing system.


