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Friday, September 13, 2013

The Naughty Entrepreneur Checklist: 40 Reasons Why You Are Not Seeing Results

If you are wondering about what the Naughty Entrepreneur Checklist is, it’s achecklist of all the things you “should not” do or ways you “should not” be if you want to move forward in your endeavors. I put the words “should not” in quotations marks because what you should or should not do is subjective.
You be the judge…
However, if you see yourself falling into most of the circumstances listed here, there’s a good chance you are not getting the results you want with your online business.
So without further ado, here is The Naughty Entrepreneur Checklist:
Entrepreneur Checklist
If you are guilty of any of these naughty behaviors, don’t worry. It just means you got it a bit backwards and we have to turn things around a bit. I myself still fall into several of these old bad habits! Still working on the saying NO part. It’s a work in progress. ;-)
But lets work on it shall we? Here’s your homework assignment.
Action Plan:
  1. Either print out this page or click on the link below to access the pdf version of the checklist to print out.
  2. Start checking off the areas that you feel you’ve been a naughty entrepreneur.
  3. Make it a commitment to do the exact opposite of what has not been working for you!
  4. Hang it up somewhere readily visible to refer to it constantly to ensure you do not fall back into old habits.
Note: Keep a copy of this checklist on your computer. As you begin tackling some of these issues, you will have less and less of them checked off. So I would suggest printing out a new copy each month and monitoring your progress.
So what about it? Are you a naughty entrepreneur?
Please share this post and help other entrepreneurs tackle their unproductive and ineffective habits!
Update: Julie Sahud Weishaar from Say It With Video, created a video out of this checklist. Very cool! Check it out.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

22 Motivational Pictures To Get You Off Your Ass

Feeling lazy lately? This post will pump some motivation through your veins!

1. All it takes is one step to get you started…


2. Otherwise, you’ll end up like this guy:


3. Think you have a marathon of a struggle ahead of you? Well, these BLIND guys ran 26.2 miles.


4. So start by taking the stairs and stop being lazy.


5. Because others wished they were as fortunate as you are.


6. If you are afraid of failure, get over it.


7. You’ve got two options, either suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret.


8. Don’t make excuses.


9. And don’t wait around for things to magically happen.


10. Face adversity? Turn it into determination.


11. You’re never too young or too old to make shit happen.


12. There will always be obstacles in your way.


13. So learn to embrace and enjoy the journey, even if it’s tough.


14. Because where there’s a will there’s a way. 


15. Whether it’s finding the courage to talk to the hottie across the bar…


16. Or getting back in shape…


17. Remember that you’re awesome.


18. And that you can do it.


19. Seriously, you fucking can!


20. Now,


21. So stop jerking yourself and listen to what this wolf has to say. 

22. Because you’ve got a lot more potential than you might think. 
