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Saturday, May 25, 2013


If there is any one thing I can say is the most critical advice is.... "Stay Focused!" There are many things that may cause us to go astray, wander, get off track, for each of us it's something different, family, domestic issues, personal, public, it could be any number of things but, what is most important to understand is that, if you do go off track and get caught up, never loose sight of the goal, the end game, what and why you sought out to do what you where doing in the first place before you got distracted.
Take some to to pump the breaks, back up a minute, if necessary and in most cases you do, get to a quite place, for me it's the mountains or oceans and reconnect with that which you already know to be true. Allow yourself to be guided by the higher power whom directs your path as you allow yourself to be resolute in your re-focus efforts.

When you re-align yourself, make sure you have rid yourself of the stresses or, the object/s of your distraction, i.e. any negative people or, things that cause a blockage, barrier to linking with your Angels. It's very important to cleanse and fast, be appreciated and positive at all times.

This is advice is nothing new, its purpose to to remind us all that we often do slip but never, never surrender and when we bounce back, we bounce stronger then before.

So we'll keep in touch bringing critical and relevant information to help you navigate through the challenges of life.

Peace and Blessings

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