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Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Thursday, December 3, 2015

How I Helped Mark Cuban Make a Billion Dollars and 5 Things I Learned from Him

Mark Cuban’s company, AudioNet (later named, called me up in 1997 because they desperately needed my help in order for Cuban to become the billionaire he rightfully became.  They wined me, dined me, called me up every day, until finally I granted them their wish.
I don’t follow every aspect of Mark Cuban’s career. So I’m only going to discuss my own brief interactions with the periphery of his business life to explain what I’ve learned from him. Suffice to say, he’s enormously successful. He had a company which he sold to Yahoo. And then Mark Cuban sold all his shares at the very top, walking away with billions, which he’s probably turned into a billion or so more. He then bought the Dallas Mavericks, started HDNet, made a ton of investments, had a very public battle with Donald Trump, had a very public battle with the SEC, etc.

(Mark Cuban on Dancing with the Stars. I like the way she is looking at him)
I called a friend of mine the other day, “Are you jealous of Cuban?” I asked him. And he said, “of course I am.”
Which is good because if he said, “no”, he would’ve been a liar. And if he said, “no, that guy just got lucky,” he would be the worst personality cocktail out there: stupid and mean.
What I learned from Cuban:
1) Create your luck. Most people I speak to about Cuban say he was lucky. He created a company with minimal revenues in the internet video/audio space, had the biggest IPO in history at the time (1998), immediately put the company up for sale, sold to the biggest Internet company (Yahoo), and then sold all his shares at the very top. How did he know to sell at the top? Is that the “luck” part everyone refers to? Or the fact that he started a company with no revs and was just “lucky” it was at the right time (the Internet bubble?)
It wasn’t luck at all. In chess there’s a saying, “only the good players are lucky”. Whenever a good player wins a game, the angry opponent often says, “ahh, you were just lucky”. But it always seems the good player gets lucky more than the bad player.
People are starved for love and affection. They thrash out everywhere to find it (business, games, relationships, etc) because they didn’t find it as children. And when they see someone else get love (money), they can’t understand it. Love doesn’t exist so how did X, Y, or Z get it? It must be luck.
In 1997, I had never heard of Cuban when AudioNet contacted me. AudioNet was the name of Cuban’s company before it changed its name to
At the time, my company, Reset, was putting together the first regular live online production of a TV show. The People’s Court with Ed Koch (a very prestigious TV show if you never watched it) wanted to stream live while it was being filmed. So people online could view it before it went on the air. I was very excited for several reasons.
The People’s Court with Judge Wappner was one of my favorites growing up. So now I was seeing from the ground floor how it was being made. A roomful of production assistants was going through every small claims court case on file. Hundreds or thousands of them. The most interesting ones were being pulled out for airing. We had our own office right next to this production room, where we would relax between airings. Then, we had a guy on site every day managing the streaming on the Internet. How many people watched every day back in 1997 online? Maybe 20? Maybe zero? But it was interesting. And they paid us well. I also loved being in the Hotel Pennsylvania, where it was being aired. Right across the street from Penn Station it was the site of many New York Open chess tournaments when I had been growing up. So I had fond memories. And also some bad ones.
AudioNet contacted us because they were dying for us to use their technology to do the live streaming. I forget the name of their local New York sales person. Very nice guy, persistent. “Listen,” he said, “Mark Cuban wants to go public and we NEED press releases. Press releases drive IPOs. This would be a great press release.”  We all laughed about that. We ended up using them.
Mark Cuban understood the game right from the beginning. Create a brand, be at the forefront of technology (but not too far ahead (no electric cars for him) ) get as many press releases going as possible, sell as fast as you can. He knew, probably five years in advance, that a bubble was occurring and this was the exact plan to maximize value from it. He probably extracted more from the initial Internet bubble than anyone else. It doesn’t happen by luck that you sell at the top. You have to know five years in advance when that top wil occur. And then have to have a very precise plan for being at the right spot at the right time at the very top.
I didn’t understand the game. For instance, in my company, I was a service business. Even though I was developing my own software to build websites. We were streaming many live events. We were doing many things that we could’ve called “products” and we could’ve headed down the IPO route by branding our products, speaking at events, etc. I probably had more revenues than half the companies that went pubic at that time. But I branded myself a service business, not a products business.
I had no business sophistication at all. All I wanted to do was make payroll, have a little extra (profit) and then sell my business as a function of my profits. This is fine in most business cycles (it worked) but I didn’t maximize the way Cuban did. I don’t want to chastize myself but I was right there, right at the same time, and with just as many good products that I had made as anyone else, but I didn’t properly plan for the events that were occurring (in retrospect) in plain daylight around me. In other words, I just simply wasn’t as smart as Cuban.
Everything is a game. Understanding the rules allows you to succeed.
2) Dont invest in ugly. A few years later, in 2004, I was starting a fund of hedge funds. I wrote Cuban to see if he wanted to invest. To his credit, he responded and said he didn’t like the specific strategy I was using. I was starting a fund of PIPE funds. PIPE funds invest directly into public companies by doing private deals with them so they could get stock at a discount or under other favorable terms. Companies do this because they need to raise the money. So, in other words, the worst companies around because they are incapable of raising money through other means. Mark felt the area was ugly and didn’t want to be involved.
We wrote back two or three times and each time he responded. I tried to argue with him but he knew where he stood and he remained there. No.
When companies he invested in did PIPEs, he would get out (notoriously, his back and forth with the SEC over his investment in MAMA and his selling when they did a PIPE)
So what happened? He was right. I smelled the writing on the wall in 2006 and began unwinding my fund before any implosion occurred. The implosion did occur in 2008, two years later, when funds couldn’t get out of illiquid positions in microcap companies and they all crashed in the financial crisis. Mark probably didn’t see the exact writing on the wall but once again he predicted an event that was yet to occur for another four years. What I learned: PIPEs had a bad reputation even in 2004, but I thought that created opportunity. Mark correctly realized that its ok to be an optimist in bad situations, but don’t be stupid. If you do too many crazy things then you become crazy. My investors came out ok but it could’ve been a lot worse and I should’ve just listened to Cuban from the beginning.

3) Get comfortable, then get rich. Most people think Cuban just stumbled into the dot-com boom, made his billions, and then that was that. This next thing I learned from Cuban is critical for any entrepreneur. He had already sold his first software company in the early 90s (I might be getting the dates wrong. I make a rule not to look anything up while I’m writing). I don’t know how much he made, but it was enough (10 milion?) for him to be comfortable for the rest of his life. So that allowed him the confidendence to stretch out his muscles and really go for the billion. So the rule is, get comfortable, and only then get mega-rich. If you try to go for the big number too early, you can end up miserable.
4) Bleed. Cuban’s been blogging at just about before anyone was blogging. All over that site you can see stories of his first company, of his thoughts on the Dallas Mavericks, about, etc. A great resource. He then used this excitement about blogging to invest all over the space (icerocket, weblogs, etc) and although those were successes I think he was doing it more out of fun than anything. And he used his blog to keep his name out there in the community. To keep building his personal brand. Thats very valuable.

5) Cuban’s Rules for Investing: Cuban made his billions and now he does what ever he wants. And pretty publicly. He buys movie chains. He produces movies (because he knows he has distribution for them). He loves basketball (the initial impetus for AudioNet was that he wanted to watch basketball games from his college over the Internet.) so he bought the Dallas Mavericks and has probably increased their value by several hundred million. It seems like there’s a few rules to Cuban’s investing techniques since the 90s:
1) Find something you are super excited about and know that at least another 100 million people can be super excited about it
2) Either start a company in that space or invest as much as possible in it. Also, strongly participate in it. Make sure you are the most excited user of your own product.
3) No matter what you are doing, get as much press as possible. Don’t use PR firms (maybe he does use PR firms but he certainly doesn’t need to. He creates his own PR). Be OUT there creating your own buzz with your own energy. PR firms can never do that for you. Too many companies rely on PR firms to create buzz. But it will never work. You have to create your own buzz and that adds many multiples of value to what otherwise would be your value.
4) Have a good bullshit detector. If things smell, get rid of them. If things are frothy, sell. Don’t break this rule.
5) Engage the customer. Cuban is probably the most accessible owner in the NBA. He talks to the fans. he blogs to entrepreneurs. In 2004 or 2005 I ran into Jason Calacanis who started weblogs, inc. He told me he cold-called Mark Cuban about his weblogs, inc blogging platform and Cuban immediately invested. Cuban responded to my emails about PIPEs even though he didn’t know me and wasn’t even interested in PIPES. Its hard work. For me I respond to up to 100 emails, comments, etc a day and still can’t keep up. Somehow Cuban has the energy to keep on doing what he’s doing even though he could’ve long disappeared by now (when’s the last time you hear from Todd Wagner, his old partner at I’m sure he’s doing fine but he’s not as public as Cuban).
And yes, I’m jealous. The guy has the dream life. Not everyone can make a billion, though. So the challenge then is to make the dream life (or go far beyond what you thought the dream life would’ve been) by re-calibrating whats really important to you. In my mind, right now, I’m a trillionaire. And getting richer every day.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

10 TIPS for Successfully Selling On ETSY

how to sell on etsy

I have been selling my metal furniture, jewelry and trees on Etsy since 2007.  I have been there and done that and I am still selling!  (my shop) Through the years I have learned first-hand how to market my shop.  I have also been writing about selling on Etsy since 2008 and coaching Etsy sellers in every niche imaginable.  I am the owner and chief editor of Handmadeology and the author of How to Make Money Using Etsy.  The following 10 tips for selling on Etsy will help you understand what it takes to become successful on Etsy.

My number one tip that I tell new Etsy sellers, is to remember that Etsy is not magic.  Just throwing up a bunch of 20 cent listings with no business plan will not bring you the success you are looking for.   If you treat your Etsy business like a hobby you will reap hobby money, but if you treat it like a real business you will bring in the money you are striving for .  Remember, you reap what you sow.
Here are few articles to make you think and inspire you during your creative business  journey:

Product Photography should be number one or at least high up on your list when it comes to running your Etsy business. Without shoppers being able to touch and handle your items, your pictures need to be the best they can be.  Detailed, clean, clear, not too dark, and from different angles.  After a shopper looks at all 5 pictures they should feel like they have picked up the item and looked it over and are ready to take it to the cash register and buy!
Here is a huge list of product photography tips for Etsy sellers.
Product Photography Class

I remember when I listed my very first item on Etsy…I was clueless about pricing.  There are many factors that come into play when pricing your items, so knowing your product is crucial.  You need to know how much it costs to make your item, how much time you spend making it, and how much it costs to ship.  These are just a few things to keep in mind when filling out the price section of your listing.
In pricing articles below, you will find in-depth tips that will help you  get the most for your handmade items.

Standing out in the crowd of Etsy sellers can be a difficult task.  You should have a clear vision of what you want your brand to be and stick with it.  Doing your research on how to build a strong and long-lasting brand should be high up on your to-do list!
Here are a number of articles that talk about brand for creative business owners.

Knowing who your target market is is key when it comes to selling online.
Here are some questions to get you started:
Are your target customers male or female?• How old are they?• Where do they live?• Is geography a limiting factor for any reason?• What do they do for a living?• How much money do they make? This is most significant if you’re selling relatively expensive or luxury items.
Example of a Target Market
This is my target market: Women, over 30, median income of $60,000, single or married, college-educated, urban, professional, but quirky…

SEO is sometimes difficult to understand, but it is vital to the growth of your creative business.
Getting your Etsy Shop and Etsy items found on Google can be a difficult task, but with the proper research and placement of specific keywords, you can begin to dominate small niches and move up in the Google search. There are a few things you need to keep in mind when you are looking for keywords to use.
When looking for keywords and phrases, shopper intent, search volume, and keyword competition are the 3 most important factors that determine a good key word.
Shopper Intent First — The most important factor to look at when figuring out the value of a keyword or phrase is intent. When picking a good keyword to analyze, pick words or phrases that people interested in your items would search for. You know your product best. Once you determine what these words and phrases are, use the Google Keyword tool to find more suggested words and analyze them to see if they are worthy of using. I will explain more about this later in this article.
Volume Second — When determining the value of a keyword or phrase, you need to look at the search volume. Are there enough people searching per month for a term on Google to even consider optimizing for it? (The Google Keyword tool provides this info for you). If you answered yes, then you have to ask yourself if it is possible to rank for that keyword? It will be extremely difficult to rank on Google for a high volume term such as ‘garland,’ but easier to rank on Google for lower competition, small niche, 2-3 word phrases such as “paper garland”.
Keyword Competition Third – A key word can have a high search volume on Google, but that does not mean it is a good key word or phrase. You have to know how many competing pages there are according to Google and the competition on Etsy. These two factors can help you determine if you want to use a key phrase or not. I will also cover more about this later in the article.
Small Niches Always- Why would you want to focus on a small niche? Smaller niches are searched less on Google every month, but they also have less competition. The smaller amount of competing pages, the better the chance your shop will rank on Google for a particular keyword.
Check Handmadeology’s manual on Etsy SEO right here on the blog. It is packed full of links covering every area of SEO for your Etsy shop.

By now most Etsy sellers have heard about the Etsy relevancy search change.  When I cruise the Etsy forums, team discussions, Facebook fan pages, comments on Handmadeology, and my inbox,  a common theme seems to pop up over and over.   Sellers are trying to understand what the changes to the Etsy default search mean, and how they can make the correct changes to get the most traffic that leads to sales. Etsy Relevancy optimization and SEO go hand in hand.   Google is also set up as a relevancy search,  setting up proper SEO from the start will optimize your shop for Etsy relevancy.
The Handmadeology team has put together a FREE package that will help every Etsy seller understand what the new Etsy search is all about.  The Etsy Relevancy Breakdown walks you through every thing that has changed when the search default was changed to relevancy. In this report you will also find helpful tips which will set you on the right path to increasing your views and getting more sales.   Also in this package you will get a 12 point checklist that will help keep you on track when you are listing new items and optimizing your shop for the Etsy search and Google.
etsy relevancy checklist

As you know, I am a huge advocate of social media marketing. Marketing my Etsy shop on Facebook and Twitter have greatly increased my visibility and grown my customer base. Getting new potential buyers to view your work is only part of the equation…building relationships with your customers is the other part! Social media makes connection with customers easier.
Being an Etsy seller, I know how hard it is to get any views from just listing your items on Etsy. Marketing your Etsy items outside Etsy is a must these days. I am excited to share this free e-course with Etsy sellers, because I have been using these 10 steps for years and I have seen great results. I have increased my traffic to my blog and Etsy shop, moved up in the Google ranking, and have even seen my customer base grow.
Connecting your Etsy shop with Facebook and Twitter is only one piece to the social media puzzle.  Check out this huge list of social media marketing tips for Etsy sellers: Make the Connection
If you are ready to learn how to decrease the amount of time you spend promoting your Etsy items and at the same time maximize your results, the Holiday Rush Etsy Marketing Formula5-day FREE e-course is just for you! This course has been taken by over 3,000 Etsy sellers and is simple to understand and implement.
If you have not already noticed, all four steps in this marketing plan are free. Yes they are going to take time to build and get right, but in the end, you are going to build a business doing what you love. There is no “easy button”, but if you let your passion shine through, you will succeed!
Social Media Articles:
Quick Blogging Tips:
1. Be consistent. Blogging takes time, and without consistency you will not gain momentum.
2. Build community. Get the community involved in your blog. There is power in numbers and you have to harness that. Feature other sellers and artists, and let them help you spread the word about your blog.
3. Give away free stuff. Give your readers more reasons to visit your blog. Develop a few products that you can give away. Whether it’s a free tutorial on making a necklace , a recipe , a digital download, or an ebook that you wrote. Check out this article on creating an killer ebook! Here are all the free products that we offer through Handmadeology.
4. Build your brand. Your blog should be a reflection and extension of your brand. Banners and color schemes should match across the board. When a customer comes to your blog, they need to know it belongs to you.
5. Have fun. The second that your blog becomes a chore and no fun, you need to stop and reevaluate what you are doing.
Blogging Tips:

The handmade movement is accelerating at a fast pace. Hundreds of thousands of people are signing up for Etsy every month, and it is getting more difficult to get recognized. One way to increase your network, get more recognition, expand more exposure, contribute to the handmade community, and build back links is to write guest articles for blogs. Lets break down the five main reasons you should be writing guest articles.
Increase your network:
When you are writing for other blogs in the handmade community, you have the opportunity to meet other like-minded people. Let’s face it…we all need to make connections and hang around people with whom we have things in common. Do you belong to an Etsy team? Do you join groups and Fan pages on Facebook? Putting your heads together helps everyone get things done faster and in the long run, can improve your business.
Get More Recognition:
A little recognition goes a long way, and writing for other blogs in the handmade scene can increase it greatly. Just by writing articles for other blogs, readers understand that the blog publishing your article sees you as an expert in the topic you are writing about. The more you write the more your recognition will build.
Expand Your Exposure:
By writing on more blogs and websites you will reach different audiences and expand who sees your brand. By writing guest articles, you are building a permanent brand that can bring you more traffic and sales.
Contribute To The Handmade Community:
We all have learned one or many things from blogs in the handmade community. Guest writing helps you give back and contribute to the handmade community. From featuring handmade goods to teaching, blog posts help the community in a huge way.
Build Back Links:
When you are guest writing on a blog, you should be given the ability to link back to your blog, Etsy shop, and other sites. You should also be allowed a short bio that you can leave at the end of each article. Back links will help your SEO, especially when they come from well known, relevant blogs.
Did you know you can guest post right here on Handmadeology? Here is all the info you need to get started.

My golden rule for my business is…. “The second your creative business becomes a chore and you lose the fun, it’s time to change it up!”    Don’t get me wrong, running your own business can have it’s down times, but the beauty of owning your own business is you have the ability to change it up when things get mundane and boring.
Here are a few more articles from creative business owners that are selling on Etsy and living their dream!
When I launched my Etsy shop I had no knowledge of the internet except email and YouTube.  I have learned so many valuable lessons over the past few years.  What stands out the most and what I will never forget is to never stop believing in yourself.  If you have a passion for what you are creating and selling you will succeed.  Love what you do so you can do what you love!!

Is there a Handmadeology  article that has  impacted you and how you run your Etsy business?  If so, let us know which one in the comments below, so we can bring you even more helpful articles in the future.
Connect with Handmadeology:

etsy facebook app
94% of Etsy sellers use Facebook as the primary marketing method for their Etsy shop according to a survey of 600 Etsy sellers. The top two concerns with Etsy and Facebook are:
• How do I increase the number of my Facebook fans?
• What should I content share to connect with my fans and generate more sales?
Fanpageology connects your Etsy shop to your Facebook Fanpage with the ability to create customizable tabs that will take your Facebook marketing to new levels of effectiveness. Fanpageology provides you the tools you need to increase your fans that are targeted customers and connect with them in ways that encourage more sales and brand loyalty.
Fanpageology gives Etsy sellers the ability to create fully customizable content to share on Facebook using 19 features with a simple drag and drop system that lets you immediately see how it will appear on Facebook while you create custom tabs.
Fanpageology empowers Etsy sellers to do the following on Facebook:
•Promote and share treasuries
•Put your Etsy shop on Facebook
•Create an inventory slideshow
•Share testimonials with Etsy feedback
•Run contests
•Create an email list and collect email addresses
•Put web pages on Facebook tabs
•Share Etsy team information
•Promote with coupon codes
•Run contests and product giveaways
•Build brand awareness with videos, pictures, text, and hyperlinks
•Share your Etsy shop About Page details
•Create buzz and viral content
•GAIN MORE FANS with fangates! (Fangates allow you to create incentives for non-fansto like your page and generate phenomenal proven results)
Fanpageology is a cutting edge tool taking Facebook marketing to new heights for Etsy sellers!
Subscribers will also have access to how-to videos and educational materials taking the guesswork out of Facebook marketing as well as harnessing the power of Fanpageology -making your Etsy/Facebook connection extremely effective.
Get ready to experience more engaged fans, additional sales, and Facebook content that your fans really want to see in their news feed!
Join us as Etsy and Facebook help make each of our small business dreams come true – with Fanpageology!
We are excited to help Etsy sellers manage their social media marketing and create more time to run their Etsy shops.
Thanks ,
